Michelle McElroy

Artist Statement

I gravitate towards painting scenes of quiet moments with strong use of light and shadow. These are images that I may see on early morning runs, midnight snacks in the kitchen or simple observations of everyday scenes. I find inspiration in everyday life. What motivates me to create is a connection with the viewer who can relate and share a similar feeling from common scenes that are actually special moments.



Featured Work

Room 12

Oil on canvas. 18″ x 24″, NFS


Oil on canvas. 18″ x 24″, $325


Oil on canvas. 12″ x 24″, NFS


Michelle is a native New Englander who studied painting at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and has worked at the Museum of Fine Arts Boston, Skinner Auction House and Historic New England. Michelle has been continually creating and showing work in various galleries and venues locally and around the country and lives in central New Hampshire with her husband and two cats.